Our HIPS sheet uses the HIPS (high impact polystyrene) resin which has good plasticity and stable physical properties. It is suitable for food containers or trays as it is light. It also has no odor, taste and does not give any harm to the human body. Moreover, it has very good insulation properties.

Our conductive PS sheet and its vacuum forming products have a good surface resistance property of 104 ~ 106§Ù/sq so that it is very good for use as a tray for electronic parts, such as semiconductors, which are very sensitive to electric reaction. Besides, we manufacture products that have fire resistance PS products, meeting the every need of our customers.
Type of products
: white, yellow, blue, etc.
(Other colors are also manufactured according to the customer's order).
: general use product, conductive product, and fire resistance product

General purpose product : housing, packing container, food container, food tray, tray for industrial use, etc.
Conductive product : precision electronic parts tray, etc.

Sizes of products
Classification Thickness Width Length Remarks
Sheet products
0.4 ~ 8.0§® 1,200§® 700¥õ/R Roll products
2,400§®/S Plate products
Vacuum forming products 0.4 ~ 8.0§® 1,200§® 2,400§® -
¡Ø Prior consultation is required for the manufacture of dies for vacuum forming products.

Physical properties of PS sheet
Physical properties of conductive PS sheet
Testing item Standard Unit Result Remarks
Specific gravity ASTM D 792 g/§¨ 1.04  
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 §¸/§² 260 Breaking point
Elongation ASTM D 638 % 80 "
IZOD shock strength
ASTM D 256 §¸§¯/§¯ 18 1/4" 23¡É 
Heat deformation temperature ASTM D 648 ¡É 75 18.5§¸/§¨
Testing item Standard Unit Result Remarks
Specific gravity ASTM D 792 g/§¨ 1.20  
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 §¸/§² 168 Breaking point (50§®/min)
Elongation ASTM D 638 % 30 "
Surface resistance ASTM D 257 10E§Ù/sq 4~6  
¡ØThe values above are not the guaranteed ones but the representative ones.

Vacuum forming products with conductive PS sheet

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Vacuum forming products with general purpose HIPS

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