Vacuum forming product with PET
Our transparent PET sheet has good gloss based on its excellent transparency. We are manufacturing the product using polyethylene, which is designed for food containers, antistatic products, etc.
Type of products
: basic transparent
: general purpose(A-PET),antistatic
for general use : trays for vegetables or fruits
for antistatic : tray for electronic parts, etc.
Physical properties of PET sheet
Testing item Standard Unit Result Remarks
Specific gravity ASTM D 792 g/§¨ 1.34  
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 §¸/§² 560 Breaking point (50§®/min)
Elongation ASTM D 638 % 300 "
IZOD shock strength (Notched) ASTM D 256 §¸§¯/§¯ 3.7 1/4" 23¡É
Heat deformation temperature ASTM D 638 ¡É 65 18.5§¸/§¨
Surface resistance ASTM D 257 10E§Ù/sq 9~11  
¡Ø The values above are not the guaranteed ones but the representative ones.
As our product is manufactured using the antistatic transparent PVC, it can be used for trays for electric or electronic parts where the parts inside the tray can be visible. Also with its excellent antistatic feature, it cuts off dust that is generated by static electricity.
Type of products
By color and function: basic transparent /antistatic (Other colors are also manufactured according to the customer's order).
tray for digital camera lens, etc

Physical properties of PVC sheet
Testing item Standard Unit Result Remarks
Specific gravity ASTM D 792 g/§¨ 1.43  
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 §¸/§² 420 Breaking point (50§®/min)
IZOD shock strength (Notched) ASTM D 256 §¸§¯/§¯ 3.51 1/8" 23¡É
Heat deformation temperature ASTM D 648 ¡É 65 18.5§¸/§¨
Surface resistance ASTM D 257 10E§Ù/sq 9~11  
¡Ø The values above are not the guaranteed ones but the representative ones.
PET/transparent PVC and their vacuum forming products